Biblebasis – Inherited Sin
The Unholiness of Man –Biblical Basis for Inherited Sin January 10, 2006 Alabama Conference Ministerial This is a most legitimate topic in one’s study of this matter and concept of “holiness”. A thorough and Biblical view of this matter of inherited sin is most vital if we are going to have a thorough and Biblical […]
BOODSKAP INLEIDING TOT DIE HEMEL: SIEN ONS UIT NA DIE HEMEL: INLEIDING: As ek met ‘n sieljag van hier na New Zeeland sou vaar nog meer om permanent daar te gaan woon, sal ek soveel moontlik inligting bymekaar wil maak om te weet waarvoor ek myself inlaat, oor die klimaat, doe kulture en gebruike. Dit […]
BROKEN THINGS 1) CONDEMNATION THROUGH BROKEN LAW Rom 2:23 “Thou that makest thy boast of the law, through breaking the law dishonourest thou God.” Matt. 5:17 “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets:: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfull.” 2) EMPTINASS THROUGH BROKEN CISTERNS Jer. 2:13 […]
14 Junie 1999 Liewe oom Sakkie en tannie Lulu en Marietjie Baie dankie vir pragtige blomme, wat ek vir my verjaarsdag gekry het. Dit was so ‘n heerlike verrassing om julle hier te hê. O ja, tannie Lulu, baie, baie dankie vir my en Elizabeth se jasse. Die dae sal een van die dae […]
ELIJAH I KINGS 17….. Introduction: Ahab the haughty king had taken Jezebel, the pretty but wicked Zidonian to wife. Through her influence the prophets of God are slain, and the worship of Baal is established in the land as the national religion. Only seven thousand among all of the inhabitance has not bowed the knee […]
GARDENS IN THE WORD 1. GARDEN OF EDEN: a) Garden of Perfect harmony b) Garden of Pitiful sin c) Garden of Powerless repentance d) Garden of Pledged Deliveror 2. GETHSEMANY a) Garden of Desperate Prayer b) Garden of Definate Choice c) Garden of Divine Sustainance d) Garden of Desolation e) Garden of Devilish Betrayal f) […]
GIDEON’S ARMY JUDGES 6-7 INTRODUCTION The battle that Gideon fought with the Midian-ites was one of the most remarkable in the history of the world. 1) THE CALL 2) CONFESSION- I AM THE LEAST IN MY FATHERS HOUSE 3) CONSOLATION- GO IN THIS THY MIGHT 4) CAMP- 32 000 SOLDIERS 5) COMPLAINT- TO MANY 22000 […]
HAGGAI 2 1) PAST TO LEARN FROM a) Blessing b) Failures ; Failure is not finality 2) PROMISE TO LEAN ON a) Promise of His Presence b) Promise of His power 3) PRESENT TO LABOUR FOR NOW Unwilling heart will always find excuses Old men no vision […]
JACOB’S VISION Gen. 28: 10-22 It is now a proverb among men that “Men’s extremity is God’s opportunity”. When in the midst of the fire and the lions God delivered His Hebrew children. It was while Stephen was being stoned that God opened the heavens before him. It was when John was exile in Patmos […]
JAKOBUS DIE BOEK: INLEIDING Hoe teenstrydig interrsant is die boeke in die N.T. nie van mekaar nie, terwyl Hebreers die noodsaaklikheid van geloof beklemtoon is Jakobus daar om aan ons te sê toon ons ou werke en ons sal jou geloof sien. Dit bring ‘n versigtige balans van die volheid van die Evangelie. 1 Petrus […]